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Champion's League Qualification | Sampdoria vs. Werder Bremen | Highlights

Once again, Claudio Pizarro becomes the Werder Bremen hero and the Italian 'boogie man'... boooo!

This time the victim was Sampdoria, he destroyed them by using his Powerful Captain Tsubasa Style Mid-Distant Shoot that took literally an hour to cross the goal line.

But, at the end it did.

And after being down 3-0, this could easily be a cartoon episode to add up.

Just sayin'.

Bremen had to bag 3 Sampdorian goals before Rosenberg could score that only one they needed from the beginning to assure somethin' up.

They only thing it assured them was extra time and it was not long after the start of it that Pizarro scored his super goal to give Bremen the pass to the Champion's League Group Stage where they will play... mmm... be patient.

I don't know that yet. :P

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